Lavender essential oil is among the most popular essential oils in aromatherapy and its therapeutic properties are praised by the greatest doctors since ancient times. Some of its benefits:
-Its distinctive herbaceous aroma with light woody notes acts as an anxiolytic and antidepressant.
-It is widely used to treat neurasthenia and manic-depressive events, as it relieves mental tension and anger.
-It has a calming effect on heart function, reduces high blood pressure, and treats insomnia and muscle spasms.
-It helps with headaches and provides a sensation of calmness and wellness.
-It cleanses, deodorizes and purifies the air in the room.
-It helps heal injuries and minor burns, due to its antiseptic and wound-healing action.
-It nourishes and regenerates the skin.
-It is recommended to treat acne, arthritis and rheumatism.
-It is suitable to relieve skin diseases, such as eczema, psoriasis and mycosis.